I am a big believer in dollar cost averaging with SwanBitcoin. On this episode of Bitcoin Coffee I explain the benefits of using Swan to start your bitcoin adventure.
Category Archives: My Shows
Stephan Livera – What can you do for Bitcoin?
Stephan's session from BitBlockBoom 2022 in Austin, TX.
Stephan Livera gave a great talk at the BitBlockBoom Bitcoin Conference in 2022.
Buy your tickets to BitBlockBoom 2023 now at https://www.BitBlockBoom.com
What Is Bitcoin With Dan Held
This is the first episode of “What Is Bitcoin?”.
On this episode Dan Held answers the question, What Is Bitcoin.
You can see all the videos I produce on my YouTube Channel
Bitcoin Coffee – The Thank You Episode
This episode is a Thank You to everyone for all the great gifts I have received over the years at BitBlockBoom.
BitBlockBoom is the bitcoin conference I host every year in Dallas, Texas. Take a look at next years event at BitBlockboom.com
You can see all the videos I produce on my YouTube Channel
My First Fixer Upper Podcast Video
An Interview With Dustin Anderson
Our first video version of The Fixer Upper Podcast
This is a video presentation of an interview I conducted with Dustin Anderson. Dustin is Joanna Gaines' go to guy for anything glass on the Fixer Upper TV show. The Fixer Upper Podcast is an audio podcast that started with season four of the HGTV Show Fixer Upper.
My wife Kathy, and I started The Fixer Upper Podcast earlier this year. We are big fans of the show, and thought it would be fun to share our thoughts on each episode.
Every Tuesday we watch the TV show which stars Joanna and Chip Gaines. Then on Wednesday night we record our thoughts on the TV episode as a podcast. We then release the podcast on Thursdays around noon.
You can find all the episodes of the podcast on our site FixerUpperPodcast.com, or subscribe with your iPhone on iTunes.
I have been podcasting since 2004, and started a video podcast back in 2006. In this amount of time I have created over 1000 episodes and interviewed hundred of people. I was even inducted into the Academy Of Podcasters Hall Of Fame last year in Chicago. I would say I am pretty knowledgeable in the field of podcasting.
The main thin that is so different about the Fixer Upper Podcast for me is the fact that I have a co-host. The Co-host being my wife Kathy, and this is her first podcast, but she is as good as any seasoned pro.
We have had a great time producing the podcast, and are looking forward to bring you many more episodes.
Since season four is over we are going to fill the off season with interviews, and other special presentations.
We both hope you take a look or listen at FixerUpperPodcast.com, and that you enjoy our show.
One more thing, please tell your friends about the Fixer Upper Podcast.
You can find my bio at GaryLeland.com/About if you are interested in reading about my personal podcast history.
A New Podcast For The Home Town TV Show
is our second podcast in the HGTV genre
Yes, Kathy and I are producing another podcast following an HGTV show!
Approximately three months ago we started producing a podcast for the HGTV hit show Fixer Upper. The TV Show features Joanna and Chip Gaines.
After three months of producing the podcast I can say that the show is already a hit. At least ways it is a hit in the world of podcasting. As of March 2017 the Fixer Upper Podcast is averaging over 2,000 listens per episode. Producing a new podcast with 2000 listens per episode is enough to get me excited for sure.
If you take into consideration that the average podcast on iTunes gets in the area of 200 listens per episode you may understand why I am getting excited.
With our average listeners per episode being over 2,000, the Fixer Upper Podcast is ranked in the top 10% of all podcasts on iTunes.
With the amazing results we have had on the Fixer Upper Show it only makes sense to grow our podcasts in the decorating genre.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Now lets get into the Hometown TV Show. The stars of the TV show are Erin and Ben Napier. Erin is an artist, and Ben is a do it all construction type guy. Together they renovate older homes in their quaint little small town. They actually were born and raised in the small town Laurel, Mississippi.
After watching the previews, and following them on Twitter I knew this was the perfect TV show to produce our second podcast around.
The first episode of Hometown debuts on HGTV March 21st, but we already have everything in place.
You can find the website for the new podcast at HometownPod.com.
If you have an iPhone or iPod you can subscribe, and automatically receive every episode by going to Garyleland.com/HT
I truly think that Hometown will be a great TV Show on HGTV, and if I am correct the Podcast should be a hit too.
I guess we will find out in the very near future for sure.

A New Podcast Circle Is Starting
You can call it Multicasting
If you follow me at all then you know I am a big believer in Multicasting.
Just to be clear I did not make up the concept of multicasting. I actually got the idea from an old friend Paul Colligan.
I thought I would create a post about a new podcast I have started, and the circle of marketing I am building around it.
The new podcast is the Fixer Upper Podcast. If you are a fan of The Home And Garden Network (HGTV) you are very familiar with the Fixer Upper TV Show. The TV Show stars Joanna and Chip Gaines.
The Gaines family live in Waco, Texas and together they remodel homes. They attempt to take older homes (Fixer Uppers) and make them into a Dream home for their clients.
This is a very popular show, and the host Joanna Gaines is quite the marketer.
My wife is joining me on The Fixer Upper Podcast. This is the first time we have recorded a podcast together, and it is a new experience for us both.
I believe this may be the first independent podcast of an HGTV Show.
Now that you understand the podcast subject lets get back to the marketing circle which like I said is the multicasting part.
In case you are not aware my wife and I own, and operate the largest wallpaper store in Texas. I built my first website for this store back in 1996 at LelandsWallpaper.com
Everything I am going to talk about building in this post is being built to market the wallpaper store and website. The podcast, the blogs, the Facebook accounts, the Twitter account, everything is built to help sell more wallpaper and decorating products.
Another great thing for me is the fact that Joanna Gaines has teamed up with York Wallcoverings to come out with her own line of wallpaper. Of course I already have Joanna's wallpaper books on my website at LelandsWallpaper.com/JoannaGaines.
This will add a special touch to the podcast and marketing of the wallpaper website since Joanna is now putting her wallpaper into some of the homes she decorates.
Step 1: Create the Podcast. I am not going to go into this very much. Their are plenty of sites that explain how to podcast, but I will run a commercial for the wallpaper store on every episode
Step 2: Set Up A Blog. This was another basic, and easy step to do. We set up a WordPress Blog for the podcast at FixerUpperPodcast.com. This also allows up to post banner ads and sidebar ads for the wallpaper store.
Step 3: Make A Facebook Group. Of course you need a Facebook Group to get your fans involved. I made one at Facebook.com/groups/FixerUpperPodcast. Of course we will post about decorating, and the wallpaper store here too.
Step 4: Set up a Twitter Account. For this podcast I decided to use my wife's Twitter account to make it more personal. Her Twitter account is at Twitter.com/KathyLeland
Step 5: Set up a corresponding blog. This blog works to market the podcast, and the core business which is the wallpaper website. For this podcast I took InteriorDecorate.com as the blog name.
Step 6: Podcast Directories. Now, of course, I have set up the podcast on the major directories like iTunes, Stitcher, Speaker, and etc.
Step 8: Started a newsletter. Gathering names for the podcast mailing list will not only allow me to send information to fans of the podcast, but it will allow me to send special offers from the wallpaper store.
Step 9: YouTube Videos. I have built a YouTube page to market wallpaper. My wife Kathy creates video reviews of new wallpaper books. We have actually done very well on wallpaper sales already from these reviews at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLVIkpCq1M9aSW58Sayuxhg/videos
Step 10: Set up a secondary Facebook Group at Facebook.com/groups/DecorateInteriors This is just anther place to attract people and get them involved.
These are the first steps I use in creating the circle of marketing around my Wallpaper Store. It will grow as time goes by and I add more resources.
I thought I would at least share what I have going on so far. I also hope that this will give you some ideas of your own, and help you make your own Circle of Marketing.

The Fixer Upper Podcast
Subscribe Now With Your iPhone
If you are not familiar with this show let me give you a real quick description.
The show hosts are a couple that live in Waco, Texas named Joanna, and Chip Gaines. Joanna, and Chip have like 5 children that appear on most every episode.
On every episode Chip and Joanna work with a pair of home buyers to take an old house (Fixer Upper) and completely remodel the home for the new buyers.
The Fixer Upper TV Show is starting their fourth season an as soon as the new season start Kathy and I will start the Fixer Upper Podcast.
Kathy and I are going to watch every episode as it comes out, and then record a fan based podcast about the episodes. Basically we will record our thoughts.
We will also try to get inout from the fans of our Facebook Page at Facebook.com/groups/FixerUpperPodcast.
If you are a fan of the show you are really going to want to subscribe to the podcast.
To subscribe on your iPhone or iPad just text fixer-upper to 33444. I will text you back a link to the iTunes store where you can subscribe.
Then every time a new episode of the podcast comes out you will automatically receive it on your iPhone or iPad.
I hope you enjoy our new show. You can get more information on the podcast at FixerUpperPodcast.com

The Gary Leland Show Season Three
I create my podcasts on The Gary Leland Show in seasons.
On Season One I interviewed people that would be considered experts in the world of Social Media. People like Chris Brogan, Dennis Yu, Paul Colligan, and Lynette Young just to name a few.
During Season two I interviewed people from the world of Woo Commerce, and WordPress. I was trying to learn all about WooCommerce so what a better way to learn than interview experts.
Now on season three I am changing it up again.
On every episode of season three I feature one entrepreneur, or small business owner on my show. I bring them on to ask me one business question which I will try to answer for them.
You have heard of Q & A shows “Question and Answer Shows”, but this is a Q & D Show. That stands for Question and Discussions.
So everyone that comes on the show will get eight minutes of my time to ask, and discuss anything they want. Anything business wise at least ways.
I will use my thirty five years of experience in the business world to help make your business a success.
In other words this is a free eight minute consultation.
Interested in being on my show? Take a moment and fill out the form on my home page, to ask me anything about business, marketing, sales, and social media. I will contact you to set up a time to record an episode with you.
Please join my new Facebook Group, where you can ask questions, and meet other people eager to you with your business and marketing!
“There are no stupid questions. It’s only stupid NOT to ask your question.”
Interested in coming on the show and discussing your question? Just go to GaryLelandShow.com, fill out the short form on the home page.
I love answering your questions, so go do it today.

The Fixer Upper Podcast
Are you familiar with the HGTV Show Fixer Upper with Joanna and Chip Gaines?
This is one of the more successful shows on the Home And Garden T V Network, and watched by millions of dedicated viewers. This show has brought so much success to the Gaines that they now have become a tourist attraction in Waco, Texas.
I have been podcasting since 2004 and have never, ever had my wife involved with my podcast endeavors, but the Fixer Upper TV Show offered the perfect opportunity to do so.
When season 4 of the Fixer Upper starts on November the 29th our new Fixer Upper Podcast will start the very next day. As far as I can tell this will be the first independent podcast of a HGTV show, and provides the perfect opportunity for us to create a podcast as a couple.
Not only is it the perfect podcast for us to create, but since we own and operate LelandsWallpapeer.com, the largest wallpaper store in Texas it is a great marketing tool for us to use for marketing the store and the website.
Please take a second to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/fixer-upper-podcast/id1109615657, and then take a second to visit the website at FixerUpperPodcast.com

The Softball Trivia Podcast
Do you love fastpitch softball?
Do you think you know a lot about fastpitch softball?
If you answered yes to the previous questions then you will love the Softball Trivia Podcast.
This is the first and only trivia show for the sport of fastpitch softball.
On every episode I ask another great trivia question, and give you four answers to choose from.
See how many episodes you can go without missing an answer.
You may find these question a little bit harder than you expected.
Listen to episode of the Softball Trivia Podcast at SoftballTrivia.com

The Fastpitch Radio Network
Turning a single podcast into a podcast network
I have been posting episodes of the Fastpitch Radio Show since 2004 when the first episode appeared under the name The Sports Podcast.
It has taken on many different variations since then, but now it is taking a giant leap. I am moving from a single podcast to a full network of podcasts. Yes, the Fastpitch Radio Show is becoming the Fastpitch Radio Network.
I got the basis idea of how to set up the network from my good friend Scott Sigler. In case you are not familiar with Scott he is the genius behind ScottSigler.com. Scott is a writer that gives away his books as free podcasts.
Back in 2005 Scott gave away his first book Earth Core as a podcast. His podcast was an instant hit, and people loved it.
After he finished Earth Core he started his second book as a podcast. Since this was a new book he started a new podcast feed with a new RSS.
What was the problem with this? The problem was all of his dedicated listeners had to subscribe again. That means he lost all his subscribers, and had to get them all to subscribe again to the new podcast feed for his new book. He ended up using one feed for all his books that came out in the future. So if you subscribe to one of his books you will get all of his books.
I remembered this when setting up my network, and used his strategy of having one feed for my network of softball podcasts. Just like he now uses one feed for all of his book.
That means a fan can subscribe to one podcast feed and receive all the podcasts in my network on that one feed.
So starting Monday January the 4th a softball fan can subscribe to my iTunes feed at itunes.fastpitchradio.com and receive all the shows I am adding to the network.
Get the app on iTunes at App.FastpitchRadio.com
The network will have three podcasts to start with. Of course I am continuing the Fastpitch Radio Show. I am adding Olympian Dr. Dot Richardson and her Fastpitch History Podcast as show number two. Then Dr. Sherry Werner Ph'd will bring us the Fastpitch Expert as show number 3.
People can also subscribe on android devices with Stitcher, or Tunein. They can also just listen on the web by going to the site at http://FastpitchRadio.com
I am in talks with a few more possible podcast producers for the network. I do not know what the total possibilities for the network are, but I do know by everyones shows being on one podcast feed we all benefit every time there is a new subscriber.
The Fastpitch Radio Show
This was the first podcast I ever produced.
I started the Fastpitch Radio Show back in December of 2004. At the time I started the show, it opened under the name “The Sports Podcast”. About seven years ago I changed the name to the Fastpitch Radio Show. While I have taken several time outs over the years, I believe this is the oldest running sports podcast on the internet.
I have made, and remade this podcast several times over the years. I just have never been able to come up with show programing that I was happy with. So now I am giving the show another try, and I will try to create a new version that I can live with.
In the past it was a show with a guest on every episode. I interviewed different people from the world of fastpitch softball. Many of these interviews were just audio tracks that I took from my Fastpitch TV Show episodes.
On this the newest remake of the Fastpitch Radio Show I am just going to chat about softball.

The Fastpitch Radio Show App
Between the blogs, video shows, and the magazine I produce, I have enough info coming out every week to use as a base for a decent show. I am hoping that the show will evolve into something I will be happy with. I am going to try and do this podcast every week, but we will see how that works out for me. While I really enjoy this show, it has just been so hard for me to get this show going on a regular basis.
I will also use this podcast in the same marketing manor that I use on all my podcasts, and media. It will contain quite a bit of programing, and marketing for my other softball websites, and shows. That is pretty much what I do. I advertise my own softball related products on all of my shows. I really don't even try to find advertisers. I guess I am somewhat greedy, and want to keep all the advertising opportunities for myself.
I hope to produce the newest version of the show in March. We wish me look on the newest version of the Fastpitch Radio Show. I am defiantly going to need it.
To see the Fastpitch Radio Show's webpage CLICK HERE
To subscribe to the Fastpitch Radio Show on iTunes CLICK HERE
To get the Fastpitch Radio Show feed CLICK HERE
To buy the Fastpitch Radio Show App CLICK HERE
The Win Some Softball Stuff Show
A great new concept in video shows.
What kind of information does it take to make a show that both viewers, and sponsors would love? That was the question I was asking myself. It seems to me that viewers and sponsors really have two different views on what makes a great show.
Sponsors want to advertise their products. They plan on placing an advertisement, or running a commercial. Basically sponsors want people to know about what ever it is they sell. Sponsors just want to make more sales.
On the other hand viewers do not want advertisements, or commercials at all. Think about it for just a second. How many commercials have you skipped by with your DVR?
I think I found a way to keep both viewers, and sponsors happy. The Win Some Softball Stuff Show is a once a month video production offering viewers the opportunity to win a great softball prize. The show itself is a product review, or basically a three to four minute commercial.The viewer is happy to watch the show since they will have the opportunity to win a great prize at the end.
The sponsors are happy because people have to watch the review about one of their products in order to find out how to win the contest. So every viewer is watching a three to four minute commercial about their product.
Each and every episode has a new opportunity to win a different prize. If you love softball this show is sure to become a favorite.
If you are a manufacturer of softball equipment you will probably want to find out about having your product in a contest.
Oh, the answer is yes. I charge advertisers to have their products on the show. Yes I make money from this show.

Fastpitch Cheer Show
They cheer like crazy in fastpitch.
As you may know I use to coach my daughter's fastpitch softball team. I use to love coaching those young ladies for many years. As a former youth fastpitch softball coach, I know first hand how much a part of fastpitch softball cheering has become.
Cheering is not just a part of youth fastpitch softball. They cheer like crazy in all levels of fastpitch softball. Yes, even in college you will see the player in the dugout cheering to help motivate their teammates.
If you have a fastpitch softball team that loves cheering in the dug out, then this is the show for you. You can watch teams as they show you their favorite softball cheers. I have even included the text version of the cheers for you in the posts.
Of course at the end of ever episode I have a short commercial for my website SoftballJunk.com

The Fastpitch TV Show
The Fastpitch Softball TV Show comes out with a new episode every other week, and brings you great clinics, camps, and fastpitch softball training from some of the all time greats in the sport. This show also brings you interviews from Olympic Softball Players, Hall of Fame Coaches, and both pro and college players. When it comes to fastpitch softball no one brings you more, than the Fastpitch TV Show.
Click to get the Fastpitch TV App for iTunes
Click to get the Fastpitch TV App for Android
To subscribe to this show on iTunes CLICK HERE
To see this show on Youtube CLICK HERE
To get this shows feed CLICK HERE
The Fastpitch Chat Show
This show features questions about fastpitch softball from softball players, coaches, and parents. Then, Gary tracks down people in the world of softball to answer these question.
Learn from some of the best coaches, and players in the world as they give great answers to fan questions. If you play or coach fastpitch softball, this short 5 minute or less show is sure to become one of your favorites.
To subscribe to this show on iTunes CLICK HERE
To see this show on Youtube CLICK HERE
To get this shows feed CLICK HERE
The Driving With Gary Show
Join Gary as he jumps in his car and takes off on adventures. Some of the shows are produced in his car, and others are filmed at locations he happens to be at. There is only one thing that is certain about this show, and that is the fact that nothing is certain. For the most part this is just an attempt to have some fun.
To see this show on Youtube CLICK HERE
The Softball Stuff Show
If you are a softball player, you are going to love these great softball equipment reviews. These free softball videos are reviews of great softball products. It features reviews of bats, gloves, bat bags, and more.
All the major softball equipment companies including Mizuno, Demarini, Worth, Louisville Slugger, and more are reviewed. If you want to see some great information on softball products before you buy them, start right here.
To subscribe to this show on iTunes CLICK HERE
To see this show on Youtube CLICK HERE
To get this shows feed CLICK HERE
The Cranky Coach Show
Join Victor Ious better know as Coach V. aka The Cranky Coach. He talks about his experiences coaching fastpitch softball as he travels the world of softball.
This show brings you softball coaching from a comedy point of view. In other words this is wild, crazy, wacky, and plain old funny. You never know what Coach V. will stumble upon on the next episode.
To subscribe to this show on iTunes CLICK HERE
To see this show on Youtube CLICK HERE
To get this shows feed CLICK HERE
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