If you are not familiar with this show let me give you a real quick description.
The show hosts are a couple that live in Waco, Texas named Joanna, and Chip Gaines. Joanna, and Chip have like 5 children that appear on most every episode.
On every episode Chip and Joanna work with a pair of home buyers to take an old house (Fixer Upper) and completely remodel the home for the new buyers.
The Fixer Upper TV Show is starting their fourth season an as soon as the new season start Kathy and I will start the Fixer Upper Podcast.
Kathy and I are going to watch every episode as it comes out, and then record a fan based podcast about the episodes. Basically we will record our thoughts.
We will also try to get inout from the fans of our Facebook Page at Facebook.com/groups/FixerUpperPodcast.
If you are a fan of the show you are really going to want to subscribe to the podcast.
To subscribe on your iPhone or iPad just text fixer-upper to 33444. I will text you back a link to the iTunes store where you can subscribe.
Then every time a new episode of the podcast comes out you will automatically receive it on your iPhone or iPad.
I hope you enjoy our new show. You can get more information on the podcast at FixerUpperPodcast.com