My video camera bags really are getting smaller
I shoot a lot of video, and I mean a lot.
I started recording back in 2006 when I created the first episode of my first video podcast.
The name of the podcast was the Fastpitch TV Show. I am probably getting close to 1000 episodes of the show, and it has been very successful. It has also really helped my website at grow over the years.
As the title of this post states the bags that I use to carry my equipment have really been getting smaller, and smaller over the years.
The main reason they have shrunk is due to the size, and amount of equipment I use. In particular the size of my camera has really shrunk.
When I first started recording video I used a camera that held mini tapes to record on. This was not only a big camera, but I needed to carry extra tapes to record on.
Then I moved from a camera that used tape to a camera with a hard drive. That helped me to downsize my bag the first time. Yes, not only was the camera smaller, but it was a lot better, and easier to use.
Now I record almost all my video with my iPhone. With the updates to the camera on the 6S version of the iPhone it records great video. The iPhone really shrunk the camera load I carry.
The iPhone not only does a great job of recording, it can also handle my audio recording too.
So now my video camera bag is my podcast equipment bag too.
Yes, my camera bag has really shrunk, and I love it.