What is the deal with Twitter and quotes?
I have had Twitter accounts for years. Actually I think I started my first Twitter account the first month, or so that it was online.
Even though I have several accounts on Twitter until recently I have only spent time on my softball account at Twitter.com/FastpitchTV. I feel like I have been somewhat effective at building the account for Fastpitch TV as I am over 29,000 followers.
I am not very active on that account, and only follow 14 people at the moment, but the account has grown just the same. The main reason that account has grown is the fact that my staff puts out a lot of great softball content everyday.
Lets move on to my personal Twitter account which is at Twitter.com/GaryLeland. This account has been just sitting there for years. I have really never done anything with my personal account until recently.
I decided I would start using my personal account, and build up my followers. I started posting more, and more often and I am even interacting with other people.
I have to admit I am happy with the growth in my number of followers. It went from almost none to 3,000 followers in a very short amount of time.
I have actually started spending a good bit of time on the account. I have been reading a lot of post from the 300 or so people I follow.
I am really in shock at the number of people that just post other peoples quotes. Quotes are close to 40% of what I see in my Twitter feed.
I don't mind the idea of quotes that much. It is just the fact that they are all other peoples quotes. I wonder do these people just buy ebooks of quotes on Amazon. Then copy and post a couple of new quotes every day.
I figure that buying the ebook would be the easiest way to do this, so I searched for books of quotes on Amazon.
OMG there are literally tons of books of quotes on Amazon, so I think I am on track here.
Then I have to wonder are there that many people that want to see quotes that bad. I mean if there are the guys who write these quote books must be making a ton of money since there is so much demand for quotes.
Then I wonder is there not a copyright on quotes? I saw one book that had 1000 quotes in it. I just can't imagine someone is paying 1000 people every time they sell a copy of there book?
So to get back to Twitter, I just wonder if there are many people who really love seeing the same quotes over, and over again from all there different people?