Do you know what podcasting is ?
It really does not matter if you answered yes, or no. The real question should be “Do you want to learn about podcasting?”.
That is the entire idea behind Podcast Dallas. Podcast Dallas is brand a new meet up group in Dallas, Texas. I am creating Podcast Dallas with my friend Mitch Todd.
The Meet up group will meet every month in Dallas at Improving Enterprises. Our sponsor Improving Enterprises was so great to work with last summer when I held Podcamp Dallas, that I called them right away for this new event.

Podcamp Dallas 2013
This is only a two day old project, but I do have to say it is looking good so far. As of today we have thirteen members. If you know me, then you know I will see that as a super positive start. Thirteen members in two days, at that rate there will be 100 members in no time at all.
My plans are to build a great group of podcasters, and podcasters to be. All working together to learn, teach, and help each other. Bringing in great speakers, and great guests. This could be the start of a great podcast community in Dallas, Texas.
I have been podcasting since 2004, and have loved it. I have learned so much, and met so may people. It may sound corny but podcasting has really changed my business, and in doing so changed my life.
I want to help change other peoples lives through podcasting. If you have ever had an interest in podcasting you need to join the Podcast Dallas today.
Lets get this party started.
To see the Podcast Dallas Website CLICK HERE