Yikes, no website for mini helmets?
Many years ago Dallas Cowboy Troy Aikman was going to sign autographs at a car dealership close to my house. My kids decided we would go meet Troy, and get his autograph.
I thought that one of those little football helmets (mini helmets) would be great to get signed. I had seen mini helmets on the sets of some sports programs. I had even seen the helmets in sporting goods stores before.
I decide just to go buy one on the Internet. Sitting down at my computer I typed in MiniHelmet.com, and MiniHelmets.com. There was not a website at ether web address. Then I jumped on GoDaddy, and checked the availability of both domains. They were both available, so I bought them both on the spot.
I bought them even though I did not have any mini helmets to sell. To be more to the point I didn't even know where to get them. So, immediately after buying the two domain names I jumped on a search engine, and searched the term Mini Helmets. After about five minutes of looking I found a wholesale distributor that would sell me mini helmets. Not only would they sell them to me, they would even ship the helmets from their warehouse straight to my customers.

I now stock mini helmets in my Arlington store.
Now that I had a supplier, the next step was to create a website for MiniHelmets.com. I built a website, and added images from the distributors website to my new website. The next thing you know I am in the mini helmet business.
My website MiniHelmets.com is still up, and running to this day. The website even comes up on the first page of Google search results for mini helmets. Yes, it is on the first results page on Google even though I have never spent a second on SEO, or a penny on advertising.
I guess the take away is, that you need to be open to opportunity. When the domain name MiniHelmets.com failed to pull up a website, I could of just kept searching. I could of stayed on my original path to find one Mini Helmet. Instead of finding one mini helmet I now mini helmets all over the country.
Tunnel vision is the enemy of the entrepreneur.
To see the Mini Helmet Website CLICK HERE.