It’s A Grandson

reveal cakeHave you ever heard of a reveal party?

I had never heard of a reveal party myself.

In case you have not ether, let me tell you a little about reveal parties.

It is a great way to find out, and announce whether you are going to have a boy, or a girl.

The reveal party is also a really cute idea, and a great reason to get family, and friends together to celebrate.

The basics of a reveal party are as follows.

1. Be pregnant.
2. Have a sonogram.
3. The Doctor then mails the sex of the future baby to a baker.
4. The baker makes a cake with ether blue icing inside, or pink icing inside.
5. You throw a party and invite everyone.
6. You cut open the cake, and find out if it is going to be a girl or a boy.

That is the basic idea behind a reveal party, but it is really an exciting time.

Here is a short clip of the actual cake cutting.

Whenever anyone is going to have a baby, it is an exciting time, but then add a large number of family members that deeply cares about the future baby, and it gets even more exciting.

Then add the fact that this reveal party is for my daughter Amanda, and I will be finding out about my future first grandchild, and it is as exciting as it gets.

As you can see the inside of the cake had blue icing, so it will be a boy. I raised two daughters, so having a little boy running around the house will be a little different, but very exciting.

I really didn't have a preference for a boy, or girl. I don't think that really matters. Just the fact that there will be a little kid running around the house again, is going to be exciting enough.

This is the beginning of the next step in the growth for my family, and a step I am really looking forward to.

In case you are wondering the name of the new baby boy will be Graham Michael.

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