I recorded this short video with Spandy Andy about recording viral videos.
Last weekend I was at a baby shower for my niece, and while sitting at the pool she informed me that Spandy Andy was in the pool.
Who is Spandy Andy I asked? I was not familiar with him at all.
She proceeded to tell me he was a big viral video guy on YouTube. So I went over and introduced myself and began to find out more about what he does with Video.

Spandy Andy's stats from 1 video
He informed me that he got his start by dancing in the fountains at the Bellagio Hotel.
Many of his videos have over six million views (that's a lot of views).
Now a days he travels the work with his boom box. He is paid to make celebrity appearances at events all over the world.
Not only does he go all over the world to dance, he gets paid big money to go dance, and I mean big money.
After I chatted with him I recorded this short interview for you.
I have included the stats from one of his videos so you can see how his YouTube video are doing.
I hope you enjoy.
You can see all of the Spandy Andy videos at youtube.com/user/SpandyAndyDotCom