Mayor Williams Proclaims March 1st Gary Leland Day in Arlington, Texas
At first I thought it was a joke put together by my wife Kathy, but after taking a second look at the email I realized it was legit.
How could this happen? How would the City Council, and Mayor Williams know anything about me?
It turns out my wife saw a Twitter post about someone else who had been fortunate enough to have the Mayor make a proclamation that he would have a designated day in the city of Arlington, Texas. After reading the post she thought I was as deserving as they were.
Kathy emailed the Mayors office, and basically said I was deserving. Then she gave them a link to my bio. The rest was up to the Mayor, and City Council members.
I guess they agreed with her, because three weeks later they sent the email saying so.
They told me I could have my choice of any day that was not taken up for something else. Since my birthday (March 1st) was right around the corner I could not think of a better day for Gary Leland Day.
On February the 28th at the City Council meeting Mayor Williams made the following proclamation:
From The Office Of The Mayor Arlington, Texas
Whereas, Gary Leland has become a pioneer in the world of podcasting by being one of the first 100 podcasters starting in 2014; and
Whereas, Mr. Leland’s podcasting website was recognized as one of Time Magazines “50 collest Websites” in 2006; and
Whereas, Gary Created and produced the Fastpitch TV Network for the sport of fastpitch softball, producing an abundance of free softball content for all to use; and
Whereas, Mr. Leland was inducted into the Academy of Podcasters Hall of Fame in Chicago in 2016; and
Whereas, Gary Leland has helped hundreds of inspiring podcasters and young entrepreneurs reach their goals of starting a podcast and growing their business; and
Whereas, Gary created Social Media Arlington, the most active and free Meet Up group available for our local marketers in Arlington, Texas; and
Whereas, Gary Leland has successfully owned and operated two retail business in Arlington, Texas since 1981.
Now Therefore, I, W. Jeff Williams, Mayor of the City of Arlington, Texas, and on behalf of the Arlington City Council, do herby proclaim March 1, 2017 as
Gary Leland Day
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City to be affixed this 27th day of February in the year of Our Lord two thousand and seventeen.
Now that is pretty cool. Who would of thought that when I created my first podcast back in 2004 it would lead to this? I sure did not.
I am honored and humbled to have a day named after me for doing something I love to do.
I have uploaded the 3 minute video of the proclamation ceremony down below in case you want to view it.