Please and Thank You are the Magic Words

Like everyone else in the world I go buy stuff in stores, and spend money everyday.
I go to the small shops, and big stores. There are many other places where I spend money all the time. I may go to a Seven Eleven, or a store in the mall. I may go to the post office, or to a restaurant. Yes, like you, I go to lots of places where I spend my money all year long.
I have noticed something that seems very common among young people that work in these locations. Something that seems to bothers me a lot. I am not sure why it bothers me so much, but it really does bother me.
What is it that bothers me so much? It is the fact that I rarely hear the words “thank you” when I buy something.
Yes, it really bothers me to not hear the words thank you when I spend money. I don't mean to be one of these old guys who say “when I was a kid” but I have to say it. When I was a kid I was taught to say “thank you”, and in return I would receive a “your welcome”.
On the some TV shows like Captain Kangaroo they would teach you the “Magic Words”, which were please and thank you.
What happened? Why did young people quit using these magic words?
The term I do hear 90% of the time by the person working the cash register is “have a nice day”, or something to that effect. Then I find myself saying “thank you”. Wait a minute, why am I the one saying “thank you”?
I have found that if I want to hear “thank you”, I need to say “Have a nice day”. Then the clerk behind the counter will immediately say “Thank You”. That drives me crazy too.
In my two brick and motor stores I have to teach new employees to say those words. It is a term my new employees are not really use to saying. It actually takes some new employees a while to get in the habit of saying thank you to people when they buy something in my store.
It probably drives me even more crazy because I own my own business. If you are running a business, and are not enforcing a “Thank You Policy” you are just missing out. You are missing out on some of the cheapest marketing that you can find anywhere. A marketing method that does not you cost one penny It is a method of letting your best customers know that you appreciate their business, and hope they return in the future. It is a policy that helps your customers leave with a smile.
If you listen to your employees as they close an order you may be surprised. Yes, surprised by how many times they say “Have A Nice Day” instead of “Thank You”.
I know it is a little thing, but it is the little things that can make a big difference. If a little thing like a thank you can make a big difference, well that is just plain old GREAT marketing!
Please don't forget to make an example for your employees by using the words thank you in your conversion too.