My Photo Album
The other day I decided to look at an old photo album from around the mid 70's. This album has been hanging out in the back of my closet for year, and years. I am not sure why I pulled it off the shelf, but I did enjoy look through it.
While looking at the photos I started realizing that I hardly knew who any of the people in the photos were. I did know the basics of them. I could place most of the faces, and tell you how I was associated with them. I could point our old girlfriends, and the girls I dated. I knew which ones were co-workers, and which ones were childhood friends.
The thing I could not do is name many of them.
Here is how the album photos broke down:
There were a total of 171 photos.
A total of 69 different people in the photos.
Of the 69 people 7 were old girlfriends, or girls I dated.
Now for people that I knew the names of:
I knew the names of 16 people, and in case you are interested I did not know the name of any of the 7 girls I dated.
That is less than 25% of the people in the album.
When I took these photos I must of felt the people in the photos were important to me.
Not only did I take, and develop the photos. I then decided these people were important enough to put in a photo album.
Of the 16 people I knew the names of 14 of them were people I knew for more than 15 years.
I do not know what any of these numbers mean, but I found it interesting how little most of these people meant to me.
When we are passing through life it is really hard to know who will be important in your life. Some of the people that you think will be important turn out to be very unimportant long term.
As I said these numbers probably mean nothing. They were just interesting to me.