I found $10 in the flower bed.
While he did have his negative points. I do have to say he was correct about one thing.
He always said that people should not walk around with their noses up in the air. With this statement he meant people should not think they were special.
His reason for this comment was that all they money that fell out of peoples pockets was laying on the ground. So the people walking around with their noses in the air were missing out on all the money laying on the ground.
When I was a kid I was always amazed at how much money he always found. Now that I think about it I am not sure it was a lot of money, or just a little money a lot of the time.
Ether way you look at it he did seem to be correct with his saying.
I still remember his words every time I find money, and I also feel that I find a lot of money. Maybe I should say I find a little money a lot of the time.
Thanks for the great advice Dad.