At The Book Signing
This was my first time to the event, and it was also my first time to be involved in a book signing of any kind.
I have around 18 published books if you count my ebooks, and paperback books. I am the first to admit that none of them are great works of literature.
Most of my books are about the sport of fastpitch softball, and can be seen HERE.
I also have a few about marketing, and podcasting. I guess that is a lucky thing for me. If not for my paperback version of the 100 Podcast Tips Book I would not of had a book to sign at the book signing.
My book at Barnes and Nobles
When I first arrived at the vendors area of the conference I went over to the book area to see if my book was there. I had been contacted previously, and told it would be there for me to sign. Until you see it in person though you can't be sure.
To my surprise not only was my book there, but there was a guy in the check out line with a copy in his hand. I do have to say that brought a smile to my face.
I do not think they had a large quantity of my books in the Barnes and Nobles area, but I think they had around 35 copies or so.
After my speakers session I was scheduled to go back to the vendors area and sign copies of the books. Everything was all set up for me when I arrived. My books, and pens were all out on the table waiting for me to sit down and start signing.
I had not been sitting there for more than a minute when a line started forming. People were asking me to sign, and personalize my book to them.
It was a blast meeting people who were actually interested in buying the book, and learning more about podcasting.
The full name of this book is 100 Great Podcasting Tips From 100 Great Podcasters I should thank everyone who sent in their tips for the book.
Since without their tips there would not of been a book to sign.
Thanks everyone. You helped me have a blast at my first book signing.
The book sold out so that was also very exciting.