Having coached my daughter's softball teams for many years, I saw that many of the players have a hard time laying down a bunt on command. This skill is more important in fastpitch softball than it is in baseball. Players really need to know how to bunt in fastpitch softball.
I thought about it for a while, and tried to help my players improve their skill at bunting. I discovered one of the main reasons players have a hard time laying down a bunt is because they do not watch the pitched ball until it hits the bat. Many times they start looking at where they want the ball to go instead of watching the ball until it hits the bat.
I invented the Bunt Sock to help players learn to watch the ball until it hits the bat. The bunt sock is basically just a sock with three colored dots on it. The sock slides over the bat, just like a sock goes over foot.
The Bunt Sock
The idea behind the Bunt Sock is simple. While a player is at batting practice the coach calls out a color, and the player has to bunt the ball while making the ball contact the appropriate colored dot on the Bunt Sock.As the player does this over, and over it forms a habit of watching the ball until it hits the bat. Once that habit is formed, the player is good to go.