The website was created while I was coaching my daughters fastpitch softball team for a few years. The name of the team was Da'Bomb Softball. Da' Bomb was formed when the girls were twelve, and competed until the young ladies were sixteen. We were one of the strongest youth teams in the state. We won two state championships back to back. Winning the fourteen year olds, and the fifteen year olds Texas State USSSA Fastpitch Softball Championships. We also placed fourth, and fifth in National World Series Championships.
Da' Bomb Softball
I enjoyed coaching these young ladies so much that I actually started a league in Arlington. The Arlington Fastpitch Association was its name. The first year we had four teams, and competed at a very high level.
With four teams the costs of uniforms and other equipment were very expensive. I had the idea that I would create a website to sell softball equipment, then I could call manufacturers and convince them to sell to me at a wholesale price. Well, that did not work. This was in 1999, and back then many wholesalers would only sell to companies with a retail location. Most wholesalers didn't want anything to do with small Internet businesses.
Some wholesalers did give me the name of distributors. At that time there were quite a few sporting goods distributors. Most of sporting goods distributors disappeared as the internet grew. These distributors would sell their products to me at around thirty percent off retail. Not only did the discounts help on purchasing equipment for my teams, but I also put their products on the website at retail, and was an overnight success. was actually the first website on the internet to specialize in girl's fastpitch softball equipment. Until then fastpitch softball players ether bought online from slowpitch softball websites, or baseball websites. I guess that is the reason became a success so quickly.
SoftballJunk Store Front
After the first year business was so strong that I opened a fastpitch softball store in Arlington, Texas. Today the store sells fastpitch, and slowpitch softball equipment as well as baseball equipment.
Then I moved into more sporting goods websites, and started moving my fastpitch softball into the world of social media with the Fastpitch TV Show.
Yes, this was the website that started my journey into sports. is now starting its fourteenth year of business, and is doing better than ever.
To see the website CLICK HERE.